Guide to Consuming Edibles Safely

Edible cannabis products are consumed for medical and recreational and purposes Cannabis edibles give long-lasting and effective results that include feeling relaxed and euphoric while acting as an appetite stimulant and alleviating anxiety. THC-dominant edibles have the potential to produce undesirable effects if the consumption dosage is too high.

CBD added to THC edibles enhances the therapeutic benefits while reducing unfavorable side effects, like perception impairment and an increased heart rate. CBD plays a role in partially blocking the hallucinogenic effects of THC. So, if you’re looking to gain from the medical benefits and not experience any mind-altering effect, edibles with both THC and CBD will be more suitable.

Figuring out the right dose depends on your level of tolerance, your experience with using cannabis, and the function and sensitivity of the gastrointestinal and endocannabinoid system. If you are trying cannabis edibles for the first time, it is recommended to start off with a small dose. Every person has a unique physiology and reactions to dosage amounts will vary.

A normal dose is typically 10 mg, but newbies or those with a low tolerance to psychoactive substances should begin by taking 5 mg. Sometimes that can even be too much for people who are sensitive to THC. The safest way to start while having a great experience is to remember the rule of thumb: start low and start slow.

How long does it take to feel the effects?

This will largely depend on your metabolism. If you have a fast metabolism, the effects may kick in within an hour, but if you have a slow metabolism, you can expect it to take up to 2 hours to feel any effect. Another influencing factor is whether you ingest the edible on an empty or full stomach. On an empty stomach, you will feel the effects quicker and more intensely.

If you don’t feel anything after 2 hours, eat some fruit to stimulate digestion. It is common for people who are new to cannabis not to experience any effects in their first few attempts. To be safe, remain patient and stick with the same dose when you try again keeping a 24-hour interval between doses.

How long will the effects last?

There is no exact science to nail down the exact amount of time the effects last because people react differently. However, on average the effects of cannabis edibles can last up to 6 hours with the peak of the experience lasting 1 to 3 hours, but it all depends on your body and the dosage.

What happens if my dosage was too high?

First of all, you cannot have a fatal overdose with cannabis. You will probably feel uncomfortable or anxious, so just remember not to panic. Find a quiet, safe place to lie down, take deep breaths, and keep hydrated. The feeling will subside within a few hours. In most cases, there is no need for emergency medical care unless you have a pre-existing medical condition. If edibles induce prolong diarrhea or vomiting and diarrhea, you may need intravenous rehydration.

How much is too much?

When you start taking 100 mg or more, the risk for experiencing negative effects start to increase. This could be feeling nauseous, paranoid, and heightened anxiety. This is possible even for cannabis veterans. Remember to stay in safe surroundings when increasing your dosage.

Dosage Guidelines

Finding your right dose is an experiment of trial and error, but the guide below gives you an indication of the most likely effects for different doses.

  • 1 – 2.5 mg THC edibles: you will experience a mild relief in symptoms such as stress, pain, and anxiety while noticing an increase in creativity and focus. This is the recommended dose for first time edible users and those who want to micro dose.
  • 2.5 – 15 mg THC edibles: there will be a strong relief from anxiety and pain while feeling euphoric. Perception and coordination may be impaired. This dose is good for a recreational event, insomnia, and for people who don’t feel relief from small doses.
  • 30 – 50 mg THC edibles: the effects will be more potent all-round with perception and coordination significantly impaired. This will work for consumers with a high tolerance.
  • 50 – 100 mg THC edibles: significant changes in cognition and emotions with the possibility of experiencing nausea, anxiety, or an increased heart rate. This dose is for experienced cannabis users and patients with serious medical conditions like cancer.


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