What is Rick Simpson Oil (RSO)?

Rick Simpson’s Story

Rick Simpson never thought he would end up producing and selling cannabis oils for medical use. But then in 1997, employed as an engineer in a Canadian hospital, Rick was involved with working with solvent-based materials. In an unfortunate accident, while being in a poorly ventilated room, he fainted from the build-up of fumes and fell from the ladder, hitting his head badly and ending up in the hospital.

The impact of the fall continued to haunt him for years to come as he continued to suffer from dizzy spells and ringing in his ears. The medication that he was prescribed did not help and in fact, made it worse. He stumbled upon a documentary about the benefits of cannabis and its healing effects. He tried discussing this with his doctor but to no avail as the doctor did not consider any form of cannabis a medical treatment drug and refused to assist him. Taking control of the situation, Rick decided to investigate taking cannabis.

Conception of RSO

However, things did not go well for him and in 2003 he was diagnosed with skin cancer. Not having much faith in doctors, Rick continued his research into the medical healing powers of cannabis. A study from the Journal of the National Cancer Institute described how THC in cannabis killed cancer cells during experiments with mice. With that in mind, he continued researching and eventually developed the now famous, Rick Simpson Oil (RSO), which he used topically on the cancerous growths. Within days, the growths had all disappeared, and he was totally persuaded of the healing powers of cannabis.

With the strict laws in Canada at the time, he was continuously harassed, and his home was raided by the police on multiple occasions and his equipment and cannabis plants were confiscated. He continued to challenge the law and pursued the manufacturing and distribution of his oil. He made it his mission to get RSO to the patients who needed it, free of charge. To date, he has assisted more than 5000 people with treatment.

What is RSO?

RSO oil has a thick syrupy consistency and can be ingested along with food or drink or it can be applied topically to the affected area. The fundamental difference between RSO and other cannabis oils is the percentage of THC in Rick’s oil is far higher than regular cannabis oils. Although there have been studies showing the benefits of smoking cannabis to treat ailments, there are no concrete scientific studies out there proving the effectiveness of cannabis oil as a treatment or cure for any cancer condition. However, many people who have used it for skin cancers have reported the positive effect and relief from the adverse symptoms of the disease.

While you can purchase RSO from cannabis stores, Rick Simpson made his recipe public and encourages people to make their own. In comparison to other forms of cannabis oil, Rick feels that RSO is easy to make, does not produce any pungent odors, and can be consumed by the drop or mixed in with food or drinks.  As far as cooking and baking go, it is easy to combine with ingredients as well as making cannabutter or CBD cooking oil. People and medical patients who are considering using RSO should always consult a doctor before starting any treatment. Bear in mind that not all physicians are agreeable to the consumption of CBD oils. If you decide to go ahead, please proceed with caution and use your discretion.

Taking RSO

There are several ways to ingest RSO and starting the RSO regimen should be a gradual process with increasing the doses over a length of time. It would take around 3 months to reach the full recommended daily dose. The process would start with a drop the size of half a grain of rice every eight hours. After the second week to a month, the dose can be doubled, and so on. The goal is to take around eight or nine rice-size drops every eight hours. The side effects are generally sleepiness, but daytime sleepiness will fade within a month after the body becomes accustomed to the oil. There is also a slightly bitter taste to the oil, so should people wish to mask this, it can be mixed with fruit or food. Please bear in mind that Rick Sipson Oil should not be considered a cure for everything but will give patients significant relief from the condition’s side-effects.

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