How to Clone Cannabis Plants

Cloning a cannabis plant is the process where you take a cutting from an existing cannabis plant to propagate a new plant. The cutting is put into a grow medium with hormone root growth until new roots develop after which time it is transplanted into the ground or a pot.

This is an effective method that skips the whole germination process and also guarantees you will grow a female because the cutting is taken from a female mother plant. It’s also a cost-effective way to save on purchasing and nurturing seeds.

The Mother Plant

A mother plant is the cannabis plant providing the cutting. They should be healthy and stable to pass on their genetics to the new plant. You will be able to get the exact genetic clone of a specific strain of plant that you like.

You can only take cuttings from mother plants that in the vegetative stage because once the plant is flowering, any cuttings will damage the mother plant and cause the cloned plant to become a hermaphrodite. You have the choice to keep one plant set aside as the mother from which you will always create clones, or simply take cuttings and let the mother plant advance into the flowering stage. Once the clones are big enough you can take cuttings from them and keep producing different generations all with the same genetic makeup.

Mother plants will guarantee consistency in genetics, effects, taste, and flavor to produce the same quality of product every time.

Cloning Technique

You will need a few tools before you start cloning: sharp scissors to remove the cuttings, a razor to trim the cuttings, a rooting medium, and container, and a rooting hormone, all of which can be purchased from any local plant nursery, or at a cannabis shop.

It is common to use Rockwool, rooting cubs, or other substrates like foam or peat (but not soil). The selected rooting medium should be placed in cubed trays to keep them sturdy and to be able to retain humidity. If you want to spend a bit extra, you can also invest in an auto-cloner system.

  • Do not use fertilizer on the mother plant for a few days prior to taking cuttings as you want any excess nitrogen in the stems or leaves.
  • Work in a sanitary environment using gloves and disinfected tools.
  • Cut branches that are long, strong, and healthy and should have at least two nodes on them.
  • Cut the branch above the node using the scissors. Use the razor to cut below the bottom node at a 45-degree angle to increase the surface area (rooting surface).
  • Immediately put the newly cut branch into the rooting hormone, and place it in the rooting medium and cubed tray.
  • Remove leaves at the bottom and clip the fan leaf tips to initiate photosynthesis, which helps the clone absorb water and nutrients.
  • Ensure the clones receive at least 18 hours of light and sufficient humidity.

Transplanting the Clones

Monitor the clones on a daily basis to make sure they are getting enough water and humidity. Use a spray bottle to moisten the leaves if necessary. If a clone dies, remove it from the growing environment to avoid the accumulation of mold.

After about 2 weeks, the roots should be about 1-2 inches long and white in color and you are ready to transplant them. Note that it is possible for a clone to get transplant shock so handle them delicately in a clean environment.

  • Put quality soil in a pot and water it before transplanting.
  • When the water drains out, make a hole up to 2 inches deep or deep enough to bury the roots.
  • Gently place the clone in the hole and cover it with soil.
  • Put the clone in the pot and then gently cover it with soil.

Water the clone regularly and ensure it has sufficient light and nutrients for a healthy growing lifecycle.

Buying a Cannabis Clone

If you’re buying a clone from a reputable store, it is still important to check the health of the plant. Avoid plants with thin and weak looking branches and have a good look for signs of pests and disease.

When you bring your newly-bought clone home, err on the side of caution, and quarantine the plants from any other cannabis plants that you have growing for at least a week. Transplant the bought clone into a permanent container with a good quality medium.

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