Dabbing for Beginners

Dabbing is a way to take cannabis concentrates, which are products derived by extracting cannabinoids like THC. The extraction process usually involves using solvents such as butane to produce the concentrated substance in the form of sticky oils, wax, budder, shatter, and butane hash oil (BHO).

Cannabis dabs are placed on a hot surface, heated, and then inhaled through a dab rig. Although dabbing has been around for a while, the extraction methods are becoming more sophisticated, which has led to a surge in new dabbing techniques and products.

By extracting the THC and terpenes into a refined and concentrated form, you are left with a potent product that is guaranteed to get you super stoned. With anything that sounds too good to be true, there are some risks that are worth noting.

Home Extraction Hazards

If we’re talking about making concentrates yourself, there are two iffy parts. The most dangerous being the extraction process that can – in the worst-case scenario – result in an explosion from poor ventilation and a bunch of flammable gases being exposed in the same room. Secondly, with doing an extraction at home, there is no indicator to determine if the purity or quality of the final product. It is possible to end up with dirty oil that is contaminated with chemicals or solvent residues that may not be very healthy to inhale.

However, with all that said, buying a quality concentrate from a trustworthy source eliminates these issues. This is because lab testing has been done to measure the product’s purity, high-grade solvents were used in a clinical and safe environment by trained professionals or qualified chemists. Professionally made concentrates are not lethal or explosive.

Is Dabbing Safe?

Firstly, you do not need to wear a fire-proof suit armed with a flamethrower and fire extinguisher. An inexpensive dabbing approach would be to use a nail attachment and a small, handheld blow torch, which can be somewhat unnerving when in the hands of unhinged folk. But with advanced products hitting the market, you’ll find products like the electronic nail (e-nail) that eradicates the pyrotechnics. It’s a simple device the provides the right temperature control for dabbing cannabis concentrates.

A cautionary word: if you’re new to dabbing, remember you are dealing with potent extracts that can have up to 90% THC, so you don’t need much to hit a high. But if you overdo it, you could experience intensely uncomfortable side-effects. Although you cannot OD from cannabis, you want every experience to be a positive and happy one.

Benefits in Dabbing

Dabbing with pure, tested products offers a rapid onset of effects that are powerful and long-lasting. Although it’s great for recreational use, people suffering from severe pain or nausea will get instant relief but you’re unlikely to find a doctor who will recommend this method for medicinal use. Cannabis concentrates are also easy on the lungs as there is no plant matter to burn.

Dabbing Equipment

You will hear the terms e-nails, dab rigs, or e-rigs associated with the practice of dabbing, which can be a bit confusing. But the purpose of specific dabbing equipment is to provide an air path that is isolated without any carcinogens. It also includes an attachment with water that is used to cool down the vapor generated.

A dab rig is a chamber that is part of a glass pipe connected to a nail. Basically, you have to heat the nail, place a ‘dab’ of cannabis concentrate on the nail, and inhale the vapor. Devices are a bit more advanced and include accessories like carb caps that lower the temperature of the dab so you can hold allow the user to dab at lower temperatures meaning the concentrate vapor is held in the nail for longer. It’s easy to mistake a dab rig for a bong but a dab rig is actually smaller than a bong and has small chambers so there’s less drag and the vapor gets to the lungs quicker.

Devices are a bit more advanced and include accessories like carb caps that lower the temperature of the dab so you can hold the dab at lower temperatures meaning the concentrate vapor is held in the nail for longer. Expert dabbers may have an assortment of paraphernalia that includes: a dabber, carb cap, a nail made from glass, quartz, ceramic, or titanium, a butane torch, and a stopwatch. But for a more refined look, you can simply go with buying an electronic nail or e-rig kit as a step to getting started.

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