Taking Cannabis Sublinguals

The offering in cannabis products is growing into a retail paradise. From pre-rolled joints, bongs, vaporizers, edibles, and oils the choice is endless. Just as we think we’ve seen it all, a new product has come onto the cannabis market and this one is a bit of tongue twister – cannabis sublingual.

We have a sublingual gland, which is one of the major salivary glands found on the floor of the mouth. So, how do you take a sublingual? You put it on the floor of your mouth – or under the tongue to be precise.

A cannabis sublingual comes in two different forms, as dissolvable strips, and as an oral spray. The strips are almost like edibles except you don’t chew and swallow it, you slip it under the tongue, and it will dissolve.

Cannabis sublingual products can be flavored, but most have that naturally strong cannabis taste. This new version of a cannabis product is becoming popular amongst users who want to consume cannabis discreetly, who don’t want to smoke or vape, and who don’t want that just-smoked-odor attached to them like you get when smoking.

How Cannabis Sublinguals Work

As a dissolvable strip or oral spray, when the substance is absorbed by oral membranes that sit under the tongue. The absorption rate is quicker than that of edibles which need to be absorbed through the digestive tract first. The compounds take longer to get in our bloodstream when using edibles and some of the cannabinoids are destroyed when processed through the body.

With a sublingual, the oral membranes act as a direct route for cannabis to access our system.

The cannabis sublinguals dissolve almost immediately when it interacts with the saliva and the onset of the effects are felt within seconds. Sublingual sprays are exactly like any other mouth spray except the ingredients differ significantly. The dosage is exact and a few pumps into the mouth and you’re A for Away.

The amount of time it takes for the THC to dissolve and travel up through our arteries to the brain is short. The immediate effects are also reasons why people are choosing this method of consuming cannabis for instant relief or an instant buzz, whichever result you’re after.

Effectiveness of Cannabis Sublinguals

Ingesting edibles can take up to 2 or even 3 hours to get the full effect and a lot of other factors affect the uptake and result such as metabolism and taking edibles on a full/empty stomach.

When cannabis sublinguals dissolves, there is a rapid intake and absorption. The speed at which it affects you is similar to that of smoking a joint. Except with sublinguals there is no rolling, smoking, or smelling like a burned plant.

Another difference between smoking and sublinguals is with oral ingestion, your body absorbs around 75% of the cannabis compounds versus 30% with smoking or vaping.

While this sounds like the ultimate way to get a quick high, the one drawback is that the effects don’t last as long and will wear off quicker than if you took edibles.

Best Way to Take Cannabis Sublinguals

It doesn’t matter if you’ve just had dinner or not, the sublingual just needs to absorb into your bloodstream. Slip the dissolvable strip under or on your tongue, close your mouth for a few minutes, and then you will feel it taking effect. If you do swallow it before it has dissolved, it will have to travel through the digestive tract before you feel any effects.

Another option is to place the strip on the inside of your cheek if you want to avoid swallowing it accidentally, but it will take longer to absorb because it’s not in direct contact with the sublingual membranes. On the other hand, this method allows the effects to last a bit longer.


  • This is a great alternative for medical marijuana patients who don’t like taking pills, eating edibles high in sugar, and for people who want to avoid vaping and smoking.
  • The onset of effects is faster than edibles.
  • You absorb more of the cannabis compounds by avoiding the digestive tract
  • Dissolves without adding liquid as it works with the salivary glands.
  • It’s discreet and doesn’t carry any pungent smell.
  • Cannabis-infused sublinguals can provide instant relief from painful symptoms.


  • Not suited to taking over a long-term period.
  • It could interfere with eating, talking, and drinking (but not really).
  • It has a bitter taste but it’s short-lived.
  • The effects don’t last as long as edibles.

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