Understanding Cannabis Strains and Compounds

Cannabis strains are cultivated from three types of cannabis plants: indica, sativa, and hybrid. With the indica and sativa plants, you can generally predict the effects.

  • An indica strain is physically tranquil making it ideal for relaxation and inducing sleep.
  • The sativa strain is more stimulating with elevated cognitive effects that go well with doing physical exercise, being in a social setting, and for working on creative tasks.
  • A hybrid strain is usually a balance between the sativa and indica effects.

The best way to choose a strain for your desired effect is to familiarize yourself with the chemical ingredients, shapes, and colors. Through experimenting, you will be able to identify your preferred choice of cannabis strain.

The effects that you will experience from these different strains will depend on varying factors such as the quality and chemical profile of the breed, your unique physiological tolerance, as well as the consumption method and dosage quantities.

Let’s start with the two important compounds found in cannabis that play a big role in delivering different experiences: Cannabinoids and Terpenes.


THC and CBD are two prominent cannabinoids that determine the medicinal and recreational effects.

Strains dominated by THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) levels are chosen for their potent psychoactive and euphoric effects. These strains can be used to treat conditions like insomnia, depression, pain, and anxiety.

CBD (cannabidiol) has no psychoactive or intoxicating properties and widely used for medical ailments. Strains high in CBD and low in THC do not give unwanted side-effects.

So, if a THC strain triggers anxiety or restlessness or you want to avoid the cognitive and emotional effects, then a strain with higher levels of CBD will be more suitable.

Cannabis strains that contain balanced levels of THC and CBD will induce mild excitement while still providing relief of painful symptoms.


To understand the basics of terpenes, think of how aromatherapy works. The aromatic compounds that are produced by fruits and plants are used as a relaxation or invigoration technique. Terpenes are exactly that. They give the cannabis plant its distinctive smell.

While terpenes are responsible for the different aromas in cannabis, they also play a part in providing therapeutic effects and influencing the energizing and sedating properties of a strain. There are several terpenes that have been found in cannabis, and the most common ones are terpinolene, caryophyllene, myrcene, and limonene. These compounds activate the human body’s endocannabinoid system and neurotransmitters for healing properties.

Terpinolene exists in high levels in only a few cannabis sativa and hybrid strains such as the Dutch Treat. Golden Goat, and Jack Herer. Caryophyllene is a terpene found in herbs and spices, such as basil, rosemary, and certain cannabis strains that give off a strong spicy aroma, much like cloves. Strains high in caryophyllene include the Bubba Kush and Sour Diesel. Myrcene also found in lemongrass, thyme, and cannabis strains like the 9-pound Hammer and FPOG (Fruity Pebbles OG) promote a calming effect. And limonene that provides that sharp citrus smell in lemon and orange rinds are found predominantly in cannabis strains such as Purple Hindu Kush and Banana OG.

This is why it is why smelling a cannabis strain before purchasing or use will help you learn how to identify its chemical profile and find aromas that stand out as a favorite.

Choosing a strain

Other factors to consider when finding which strain will suit you best is your biological tolerance and how long you want the effects to last. If you’re new to trying cannabis or have a sensitive tolerance, then a strain low in THC is a good start. If you’re prone to panic attacks and anxiety, it is best to experiment with strains with a high CBD content.

If you want to prolong the effects, then edibles are a good choice while starting with a low dose but if you want a short-lived effect, then try vaping or smoking.

As you can see, there are multiple factors that come into play when finding a strain that you enjoy, and that delivers the right effects. At the end of the day, your choice in cannabis is personal, and understanding all the nuances is a great guide in helping you make an informed decision. You will understand what qualities to look for and why.

Some people can have a great experience with any strain at any time while others prefer to delve into the beautiful properties of the plant. All that matters is that you have a positive interaction with cannabis.


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